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TQC Sheen Bird-type film applicator with flat edges. Four application sides for applying 4 different pre-defined thicknesses. The TQC Bird-type applicator is available in film width 50, 60, 75, 80, 100 and 150mm and suitable for applying a host of different products onto flat and relatively solid substrates. The high-grade stainless steel will not be affected by acid or base elements.

We can give no guarantee of the wet thickness that will be obtained. The wet thickness is dependent upon the solids and vehicle content of the wet material as well as other factors. Film thickness deposited may vary from 40% to 80% of the actual gate clearance of the Bird-type applicator.
Through hardening versus Case-hardening or surface hardening.
Through-hardening means the metal uniformly is hardened throughout the piece. Case- or surface (face / frame) hardening only hardens the top layer of the metal. Once the top layer is degraded excessive wear and tear will occur on the product limiting its life time and affecting accuracy.


Overview Models

Width50mm60mm75mm80 mm90mm100mm150mm
50/100/150/200 µmVF2161VF2162VF2163VF1581
Custom µmVF1837VF2164VF1530VF1536VF1535VF1580

Bird-type Film Applicators, 4-sided (อุปกรณ์สร้างความหนาฟิล์มเปียก 4 ความหนา)

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