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The TQC Motorised Automatic film applicator or drawdown machine provides a reliable basis to apply coating films and slurries to test charts, panels or foils in a uniform and reproducible way in order to eliminate variations caused by human factors. Variations in speed, pressure and direction of draw down cause irregularities. Other factors that may influence the result are the shear rate and the weight of the applicator. With the TQC Automatic film applicator these variable factors are being stabilised. Over the complete surface the film thickness is even.
To prepare samples for testing rheological properties, abrasion resistance, hiding power and gloss the TQC Motorised Automatic film applicator is a must have. Motorised Film Applicators are also used in the adhesives industry.
Drying time recorder option
An optional drying time recording tool is available to convert the TQC automatic film applicator into a drying time recorder. The time range of the drying time recorder can be set digitally from 1 minute to 48 hours. The tool can be installed without any tools and can measure up to 8 channels in one run.
Heated Vacuumbed
The product is also available with an electrically heated vacuumbed. The temperature can be set digitally from ambient +5°C to ambient + 100°C . Heat-up time is short and temperature is uniform over the entire bed.
Multiple types of automatic film applicators are available for either glass/paper/metal substrates or foils. All models can be used in combination with standard block type film applicators such as bird/baker models,sagging and levelling testers or spiral bar type film applicators (wire wound rod type).
TQC motorized automatic film applicator 230 VAC (without application bed*) Vacuum pump + automatic clamp unit included.Please order glass bed, perforated vacuum bed, and/or double channel vacuum bed separately.*Though not included, both the glass bed, and the perforated and double channel vacuum bed will fit.


Art. nr. AB3300

Double channel vacuum bed (only to be used with  AB3420)


Art. nr. AB3325

TQC motorised automatic film applicator 110VAC / 50/60Hz with double channelled vacuum bed, built-in vacuum pump and combined attachment assembly for standard block applicators and wire bar coaters.


Art. nr. AB3225

TQC motorised automatic film applicator 110VAC / 50/60Hz with perforated vacuum bed, built-in vacuum pump and combined attachment assembly for standard block applicators and wire bar coaters.


Art. nr. AB3200

Perforated vacuum bed (only to be used with  AB3420)


Art. nr. AB3320

TQC motorised automatic film applicator 230VAC / 50Hz with double channelled vacuum bed, built-in vacuum pump and combined attachment assembly for standard block applicators and wire bar coaters.


Art. nr. AB3125

TQC motorised automatic film applicator 110VAC / 50/60Hz with glass bed and combined attachment assembly for standard block applicators and wire bar coaters.


Art. nr. AB3120

TQC motorised automatic film applicator 230VAC / 50Hz with glass bed and combined attachment assembly for standard block applicators and wire bar coaters.


Art. nr. AB3100

Glass bed (only to be used with  AB3420)

Automatic Film Applicators (เครื่องลาก อุปกรณ์สร้างความหนาฟิล์มเปียก)

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