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The Taber® Grit Feeder Attachment is used in conjunction with the Taber Rotary Platform Abraser (Abrader) to evaluate three-body abrasion caused by the destructive action of fine, hard particles.  Originally referenced as the Frick-Taber test, this instrument has been used to determine the wear resistance of flooring products with smooth surfaces.


The Grit Feeder is a freestanding instrument that requires a Taber Rotary Platform Abraser (not included) to conduct testing.  The grit distributor nozzle is positioned over the Taber Abraser specimen in front of the right abrasive wheel.  During the test, abrasive grit particles are deposited uniformly and continuously onto the specimen surface.  As the specimen holder rotates, the loose grit particles pass under a pair of S-39 Leather-Clad Wheels.  The resulting rolling action of the particles serves as the abradant and contributes to the physical breakdown of the material.  After the grit particles pass under both wheels, it is removed by a vacuum system along with any wear debris generated during the test. 

The operation of the grit feeder is controlled through the Taber Abraser, ensuring that the turntable, grit distribution and vacuum suction are actuated at the same time.

TABER® Grit Feeder Attachment

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