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Characterization: Wetting and dispersing additive for aqueous systems 

Chemical Structure: Hydroxyfunctional blockcopolymer in water 

Appearance: Yellowish, clear liquid

pH-Value: 6.0 - 9.0

Non volatile matter: 50 % + - 1

Ionic Character: Non ionic

Storage: The product is stable for at least 18 months at well-ventilated areas. Avoid temperatures below 4 °C and above 40 °C. Prevent from freezing.



▪ Highly effective

▪ Broad compatibility with water based binder systems in alkaline medium

▪ Excellent storage stability o fpigment concentrates

▪ Excellent colour strength development

▪ Excellent shock stability

▪ Good water resistance

▪ Suitable for resin based and resin free pigment grinding

▪ VOC-free acc. to EU 2004/42/EG

▪ Free from mineral oils and APEO

▪ Compliant with relevant FDA regulations


Application Fields

Due to its chemical structure SILCO GA 1111 is particularly recommended as wetting and dispersing additive for organic pigments and carbon black.


Preferred fields of application:

▪ Printing inks

▪ Water based systems


Recommendation for Use

We recommend a dosage of 1 - 10 % calculated on the total pigment weight.


The optimal dosage has to be determined through preliminary tests. The dosage depends on the pigment’s chemical nature, the shape and the particle surface.


The additive should be added to the mill base before predispersion.


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